15 agosto 2013

CloudUp: comparte fácilmente tus archivos en la nube | Biz-Tec

CloudUp: comparte fácilmente tus archivos en la nube | Biz-Tec:


"Intercambiar información desde el móvil o la web se ha convertido en una acción más que común y las formas de hacerlo son cada vez más distintas e innovadoras. Conoce CloudUp.

CloudUp le hace honor a su nombre al ser uno de los últimos desarrollos para compartir fotos, video o archivos a través de un nuevo concepto en el que se arrastra el archivo y se suelta en la nube para luego generar un enlace que se puede compartir a través de correo electrónico o las diferentes redes sociales disponibles."

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Share as you upload: Cloudup simplifies sending files on web and mobile | The Verge


Share as you upload: Cloudup simplifies sending files on web and mobile | The Verge:

"Dropbox and Google Drive work quite well for sharing files with friends and family, but a whole other genre of apps exist for people who need to share files even faster. CloudApp and Droplr are two notable entries, which let you share files by dragging them into a menu bar app, at which point a URL is dropped into your clipboard for sharing. The latest app to join the fray is Cloudup, a design-focused and dead-simple take on file sharing launching Thursday for Mac, and for web on desktop and mobile."

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12 agosto 2013

5 Types Of Office Collaboration Tools: Which Is Right For Your Team? - Forbes

 office collaboration

5 Types Of Office Collaboration Tools: Which Is Right For Your Team? - Forbes:

Collaborating as a team can be a real challenge. Getting everybody on the same page, assigning tasks, following up on pending items, and making sure everyone is always in the loop is never easy, and it is something almost all companies struggle with.office collaboration

And as if collaborating in a team wasn’t hard enough, when deciding on which collaboration suite to use, you have an overwhelming abundance of options to choose from!

How To Fix A Phone Dropped In The Toilet | Edudemic

How To Fix A Phone Dropped In The Toilet | Edudemic:

"Students, parents, and teachers alike typically have their phone with them at all times. That includes time spent in the bathroom. What happens if you have a slight, erm, accident with that precious phone you hold so near and dear? There is hope. In fact, there are a number of ways to quickly fix a phone dropped in the toilet (or water of any kind really). 1 out of 10 people have dropped their phone down a toilet according to a new visual guide from Better Bathrooms. That’s just crazy to me. 10% of people have dropped their phone not only in water … but in the toilet. Specifically. I think that might make me rethink how and when people are actually sending me e-mails."

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The Top 27 Free Tools to collaborate, hold discussions, and Backchannel with Students ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning

The Top 27 Free Tools to collaborate, hold discussions, and Backchannel with Students ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: "
With the advance of web 2.0 technologies, there emerged a wide range of educational tools that we can use with our students in and outside the classroom.Collaborative web tools is one example. Using such websites, teachers  will be able to help in holding  online and real-time discussions with their  students, help them in their projects and assignments, guide their learning, do backchanneling, and synchronously moderate discussion threads and many more.
We have prepared for you a list of such tools that you can use with your students, check it and share with us what you think about it."

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11 agosto 2013

20 Online Collaboration Tools for Group Projects - ScholarshipExperts.com

20 Online Collaboration Tools for Group Projects - ScholarshipExperts.com:
20 Collaboration Tools for College Students

"The Familiar Scenario:
"Okay class, get into your groups of six that I've assigned and begin discussing your strategy for the case study that correlates with your team number."

You don't want to be the first to get up and you don't want to be the last either. Calm and collected, you meander through the backing out of chairs and the slow congregation of small groups of students, who all have a similar strategy as you: be the third person out of six to arrive at the group table."

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3 alternativas para crear presentaciones impactantes | TICbeat

3 alternativas para crear presentaciones impactantes | TICbeat:

 "Si trabajas habitualmente con Power Point para elaborar presentaciones para tu equipo o tus clientes, en Internet encontrarás multitud de herramientas con las que podrás crear diseños mucho más vistosos, creativos y originales que con el programa del paquete de Microsoft Office."

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Repositorios visuales: el verdadero cuaderno de bitácora » El Blog de Enrique Dans


Repositorios visuales: el verdadero cuaderno de bitácora » El Blog de Enrique Dans:

"Hace ya bastante tiempo que empecé a utilizar dos herramientas, Pinterest y Flipboard, como almacenes del contenido que había encontrado interesante en mi lectura diaria de noticias. El caso de Flipboard es digno de ser seguido, porque responde a una estrategia que va desplegándose lentamente de la mano de sus co-fundadores, y que la convierte hoy en una herramienta muy diferente de la que parecía iba a ser en sus inicios. El de Pinterest lo es más si cabe, porque sus fundadores pensaron la herramienta desde sus inicios como algo abierto, que iría definiéndose a medida que sus usuarios le daban forma."

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